Burger CFF Burger CFF Burger CFF
Burger CFF Burger CFF Burger CFF
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International trademark, registered by EUIPO for products and services, based on the carbon footprint standard. 

Zasób 1 9 Zasób 1 9 Zasób 1 9

What is Carbon Footprint APPROVED?

Carbon Footprint Approved is a registered international trademark, awarded to products or services that have been manufactured or delivered in an environmentally and socially responsible way.

Carbon Footprint Approved authenticates the organization’s efforts to reduce the carbon footprint of its products and services, confirms its commitment to the sustainable development goals and certifies the implementation of the assumptions of the circular economy.


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Group 2484 Group 2484 Group 2484
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Group 2482 Group 2482 Group 2482


Window Green View – FAKRO

The GREENVIEWroof window is the combination of the best features, exceptional thermal insulation, functionality and the highest aesthetics. The new construction with the triple-glazed package and a higher profile of the leaf, result in lower energy consumption needed to heat the house. The sealing flashing in the Thermon version additionally improves the energy efficiency of the window.
Used materials
  • wood - pine
  • glass glazing unit
  • aluminum - external cladding, e.g. trapezoidal profiles
  • steel - e.g. handel, hingles
  • PVC plastic elements - e.g. locking cube, slides, plugs 
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A unique solution for the city, for which AMS obtained the Carbon Footprint Approved certificate, is called ECOshed AMS 

The solution includes ecological modules (green roofs) that are subject to anti-smog protection control.

ECOshed AMS is a system we are gradually developing. This solution, which aligns with nature-based solutions approach, improves the microclimate of the city, reduces CO2 and is insect- and bird-friendly. AMS received the Carbon Footprint Challenge Awards and the tittles of Energy Transformation Leader 2022 and Energy Transformation Leader 2023 for introducing green stops, ECO solar posts, ECO Backlights and other activities which contribute tothe carbon footprint reduction of ECOshed AMS.
AMS is a pioneer in the use of ecological solutions in the OOH industry. The products which can be found on the ECO offer of the company are:
  • ECOshed system with sedum roofs in 9 cities,
  • ECO Premium Citylight which is a pro-environmental advertisment combined with planting trees,
  • ECO solar posts which is the biggest network of posts powered by solar energy in Poland,
  • ECO Busback which is an urban commercial on the move on zero- and low-emission public transport vehicles,
  • ECO Backlight which is a set of pro-ecological solutions among which are solutions to lower light pollution and certified ecological print of advertising materials.
AMS Carbon Footprint Approved AMS Carbon Footprint Approved AMS Carbon Footprint Approved
Mask group (17) Mask group (17) Mask group (17)


Obtaining the Carbon Footprint Approved certificate is an audit that covers five main categories: energy, transport, disposal, sustainable development and social activity. Passing the audit and obtaining at least 75% of points, qualifies the entity as eligible for certification.
Check full terms and conditions Carbon Footprint Approved 
Find out more about the visual identification of the mark 

Do you want to get a certificate for your company? Let's talk!

Group 2482 (1) Group 2482 (1) Group 2482 (1)
The Carbon Footprint Approved EU certification mark is owned by the Carbon Footprint Foundation.
Carbon Footprint Foundation with its registered office in Kraków, ul. Jasnogórska 9, 31-358 Kraków, Poland, entered into the register of entrepreneurs and the register of associations, other social and professional organizations, foundations and independent public health care facilities of the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000785831 and with NIP: 9452227592, REGON: 383347066.
Carbon Footprint Foundation – visit our webiste